This is our lot. We bought it last April. Katelyn is standing at one side of the lot and Tania is standing a the other end. You can't see Tania very well but she is over by the fire plug and lamp post.
They dug the hole on Wednesday.
Poured the footings on Thursday.
Put the walls up on Friday and poured the walls on Friday.
Moving day. Yes, we sold our house and rented the house next door. The kids thought it would be fun to go for a ride in the atv trailer.
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday they installed the initial plumbing, added the window wells, sealed the cement and started filling the garage and sides of the house with dirt.
My sister came to visit so we took her to Snowbird to ride the tram. When we arrived at the top of the tram, we decided to hike down to the chair lift to go down the mountain. It was a short hike but as you can see we had a good time.
Tania and Sasha had to change a tire for their Drivers Ed class. Since David wanted to change the brakes on the truck, he killed two birds with one stone. I'm not sure what all happened but as you can see the kids got quite dirty.